It´s a UNIQUE workshop about severals dimentions of musicality in tango.
It is one of the most complete workshops in musicality, where we deal with its various dimensions. It is an invitation to expand one's capacity for dance improvisation and performance. Technique and resources. A workshop for both beginner and advanced students or teachers combining theory and technique with play and improvisation. One's body performing, play, listening.
Rhythm, syncopation, musical phrase, 3 3 2, waltz tempo in tango, quality and interpretation, play and ornamentation, offbeats, dynamics, quickness and slowness, dancing the pause, body and body awareness for musicality.
A necessary workshop for every tango dancer, whatever their style or level. A workshop for everybody to listen to music together. All this done through games, exercises, giving it all. A workshop where musicality expands and helps us perform a dance in a spacial way, more sensitive and rich in possibilities.
Musicality pertaining to orchestras, paying attention to rhythm, melody, an instrument, rhythmic games that come up and performing it in pairs, thus creating exciting possibilities and developing sensitivity and listening skills.
For those in the interpretative rol, to dance actively, to be able to suggest moves, to be able to listen to the tune together with the man.
For those in the proposerol, a tool to be able to create and improvise while dancing tango. To acquire the musical tools that enable him to play with music together with the woman.
A workshop to expand limits as well as listening skills.
Some of the aspects oof musicality that we study are:
_ TEMPO 2, contratempo
_ 3-3-2- structure
_ Vals structure in tango
_ Sincopation
_ Musical Phrase
_ Tango Parts
_ Different musical lines
_ Orquestras
_ Quality andinterpretation
_Impro games and musical "adornos" for women
_ Dynamics