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CV (short version)


For more than 22 years, he has been teaching, dancing and developing his own way of teaching tango as a dance form, paying close attention to musicality, dynamics and the dance created by the dance couple.

He has  given tango lessons in several European and Latin American countries, as well as numerous cities in Argentina. He has also taken part in international tango festivals both in Argentina and Europe. In addition,  He has  taught contact tango in Contact Improvisation festivals.

Since 2010, he has been developing “Experimental tango”  together with Roxana Umpierr. This is a discipline where dancers delve into the various aspects that tango involves, such as breathing, contact (on skin, muscle and bone levels), way of looking, space, space and many more


Enjoy the dance, for real. Be the dance, among to your partner, the music and the rest. Let’s remember what are we dancing for, beyond styles, esthetic and superficial things.



One of the Organicers of the International Tango Contact Meeting. This year we will do the 7th edition (10 to 14 February 2024)

Regular Tangocontact Lessons together with Roxana Umpierr. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Tango Queer Lessons in Mar del Plata

Buenos Aires. June 2022  TangoContact special lesson at LA MUTANTE, with Guadalupe Santiago and Irina Jabsa.

Milonga and Vals seminars

PEDAGOGIC LESSONS FOR TANGO TEACHERS. Organicer and teacher. Mar del Plata, August 2022

Musicality workshop (Movements and technique) with Ignacio Varchausky (Teoretical talk) . May 2022

Tangoclown special lesson, with Mariano Michelino as a part of "PUENTES" Festival solidario de danzas.

Tangocontact lessons in Misiones, Argentina.

Seminars in Bariloche. Tangocontact lesson in Mendoza together with RoxanaUmpierr


May to august.

Festivals: 18 thPhantastango, Leipzig, Germany.  1st Samotraki tangocontact retreat " Bailando con las cascadas", together with Roxana Umpierr (ARG) and 10th Tangoneta, Napoles (Italy).

. Lessons and workshops in Hamburg,(Germany) Wuppertall (Germany) with Gabrielle Koch. Bolzano (Italy) Glasgow and Edimberg (Scotland) Madrid (Spain) and Prague (Checkz Republic) with Roxana Umpierr.

CHILE 2023

Workshops in Valpariso (CHILE)


September to November

Lessons and workshops in Hamburg (Germany), Wuppertall (Germany) with Gabrielle Koch. Bolzano, Merano, Rome, Napoles and Bologna (Italy). Glasgow  (Scotland) 


April to July. Tango tour toghether with Victoria Santos. Napoles, Torino, Firenze, Bolzano, Merano, Vicenza (Italy). Madrid (Spain) 


April - May     Private lessons & special seminars  Bolzano, Meran.-

November & December . Tango workshops , Private lessons & special seminars in Rome, Bolzano, Merano, Torino - Italy.



Tango workshos and performance in Gothemburg and Stocholm (Sweeden August), Paris (France-September), Bolzano (Italy- Sep and October) and Istambul (Turkey - October)

ARGENTINA 2017 - 2019


3rd edition of the ARGENTINIAN TANGO CONTACT MEETING - Facebook:

Tango workshos and performance in Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, with Maricruz Leon.

Special Tango and Milongaseminars in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.

Organizator, togheter with Roxana Umpirr and Santiago Roura of the 1st  ARGENTINIAN TANGO CONTACT MEETING IN NATURE. 3 editions 2017, 2018, 2019



DECEMBER. TANGO CONTACT in the 4th Mar del Plata Contact Impro Festival, with Roxana Umpierr.

May to December - Workshops, performances and Tango Festivals in Brasil, Colombia and Ecuador


May to august. BRASIL



September to Novembre COLOMBIA



December ECUADOR





Julio- Agosto.  Tallin, Estonia 4to Festival Port Tallin.

Verona y Brescia, workshops and exhibitions 

Stocolm, Sweden. 1er Festivalito de Tango.


 Europa 2005 al 2010,

Workshops, Specials seminars in Rusia, Italia, Alemania, Francia, España, Islandia, Suiza, Suecia, Ucrania, Rumania, Portugal, Polonia, Austria y Cuba


TANGO FESTIVALS.  Italia, Suecia, Polonia y Austria.

TANGO OPERA en Sweden  and Spain. “Tango mon Amour”


Junio 2010, Show en Moscú, Rusia. Evento “Planetango”

Mayo 2010 Presentación en La Habana, Cuba, con la compañía Neotango.


2009  Show con la orquesta Narcotango en Bucarest, Rumania


in Mar del Plata, regulars TANGO; MILONGA and VALS lessons, SPECIAL SEMMINARS, TANGO FESTIVALS and EVENTS (2003 till 2017)


2012 -2015 TANGO AND EXPRESION CORPORAL FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS- 3rd age,  hipoacusic, autism and social proplems areas, mental health in Regional Hospital.   

 see on YOUTUBE


april 2011. Organizator of 1st FESTIVAL only of MILONGA. " MILONGA VIEJA MILONGA" lessons and performance.



Proficient: Spanish, English, Italian, French and Portuguese.

Basic: German 


2023 to 2018 

2016 to 18

- Clown lessons and seminars

- Regular lessons of Contact Impro and Seminars

clown semminars with . Julieta Carera, Alejandro Talarico , Pablo Rearden

March "Programa de capaitación en en Danza Improvisacion, con Gabriela Morales" Espacio Unzue, ;ar del Plata

February  - Entrenamiento de Clown, a cargo de Sebastian VillarTaller de Contact Impro con Manon (Francia)



- Seminario de Clown a cargo de Julieta Carreras

- Talleres de Tango con Ruben y Sabrina Veliz, Mar del Plata. Seminario de Clown a cargo de Julieta Carreras



- Festival de Contact Improvisacion. 14 al 26 de diciembre, Mar del Plata

-     Entrenamiento de Clown, a cargo de Sebastian Villar

-   Enero a Marzo, Ciclo de danza contemporánea, a cargo de Paula Lostra

- Profesorado de Expresión Corporal, Instituto del profesorado de arte, Mar del Pla 1er año.

-       Octubre 5ra Convecion internacional de Payasos en Los Hornillos, Traslasierra, Cordoba



Febrero a diciembre

-           Entrenamiento de Clown, a cargo de Sebastian Villar, Galponcito Hazmerreir
-         Profesorado de Expresión Corporal, Instituto del profesorado de arte, Mar del Pla 1er año.

-       Octubre 4ra Convecion internacional de Payasos en Los Hornillos, Traslasierra, Cordoba

-       Setiembre - Octubre. Taller de mimo, con Pablo Marchini, 4 elementos espacio teatral

- Festival de Contact Improvisacion. 10 al 20 diciembre, Mar del Plata



-          FOBA Profesorado de Expresión Corporal, Instituto del profesorado de arte, Mar del Plata.

-         Octubre 3ra Convecion internacional de Payasos Traslasierra, Cordoba

-         Taller de Clown, improvisación y entrenamiento físico,  con Jose Minuchin, El club del teatro, Mar del Plata


-          Capacitacion para Docentes, profesores de teatro y promotores comunitarios “ El teatro como herramienta de inclusión social”, a cargo de Roberto Vega. Sala Payro,teatro Auditorium, Mar del Plata.


-          Seminarios de Teatro Visual  con Pierrik Malebranche( compañía de Philippe Genty) Club del Teatro





-          Seminarios de Clown con Guillermo Yanicola, Gustavo Vera, Pablo Mario y Karina Zelaschi.

-          Seminario de Teatro Visual  con Pierrik Malebranche de la compañía de Philippe Genty

-          Taller de actuación, gesto y movimiento, con Luciano Brindisi



-          2008 a 2011 clases de contact improvisation.

-          oct-dic  2010   Clases de contemporáneo, con Paula Lostra

-          2005 Swing y Rock and roll, Capital federal.Compañia “ Buenos aires swing.”

-          2002 a 2004 Salsa, Mariano Sarro, Daniela Prado.

-          marzo a dic. 2003 Teatro con Lucia Martin, Centro cultural Osvaldo Soriano

-          Tang Soo Do, (marzo1989 – Feb. 1992)


-          Capoeira, Grupo Topazio ( 1999-2002)






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